Equine america super so kalm

Contains a premium grade Magnesium with L-Tryptophan, an essential amino acid associated with the production of serotonin, to relax and focus the horse.
48,95 €
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1000 gr3548,95 €1,40 €

Equine America - Super So Kalm Powder 1000 g

So-Kalm Plus contains a premium grade Magnesium with L-Tryptophan, an essential amino acid associated with the production of serotonin, to relax and focus the horse, fed daily can aid concentration and willingness to work, but without removing the edge required for competition.

Young horses also have a tendency to be highly strung and distracted, leading to training problems in the future. Feed young horses or horses in their first season So-Kalm Plus to enable them to relax and ensure that their new experiences are good experiences.

Plus d’information
MarqueEquine America
Contenu - gramme1000 gr
Tailles des couvertures145 | 195 cm
Substance (liquid, powder etc)Powder
dosage28 g

Technologische toevoegingsmiddelen

Conserveringsmiddel: Ammonium Propionate - E280 - 1000mg/kg

Natuurlijke toevoegingsmiddelen

Vitaminen & pro-vitaminen: Thiamine Hydrochloride - 3500mg/kg
Aminozuren: L-Tryptophan

Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal, D-Glucose, Vegetable (Soyabean) Oil, Magnesium Oxide, Calcium Carbonate.

Analytische Bestanddelen
Crude Protein 14.80%
Crude Fibre 20.00%
Crude Oils & Fats 8.98%
Crude Ash 19.40%
Magnesium 0.50%
Calcium 0.40%

ManuelEquine America - So Kalm Plus Geef dagelijks 28 gr van het poeder met hieraan toegevoegd een extra dosering van 28 gr 2 uur voor de training of wedstrijd. (Afhankelijk van het temperament van uw paard kan deze dosering verhoogd of verlaagd worden.)
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